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05 September 2015

Local Sublime Text via remote SSH

Initially, for myself, and quite ashamedly as with many other facets .. I created an alias to access my SSH .. as a way to avoid lookup of the IP address you know? I cringe now, believe you me.

Well, then I needed to have access to Sublime Text in my remote environment as a way to make life a wee more convenient (i.e. in this case WAY more convenient), and figured to let you know how I did in case it may help.

There are good articles about how to configure your local and SSH environments with Sublime Text, such as this one written by Limina Studio and this one written by Daniel Demmel.

One other key piece of information is the function of the ~/.ssh/config file itself. There's a great writeup available from Nerderati available from this link.

The workflow is as follows:

1. Install the rsub plugin from the Package Control of Sublime or instructions provided from the public Github repository,

2. In your local environment edit your ~/.ssh/config file and specify your SSH IP address and User:
Host yourAlias
    HostName "$IP"
    User "$USER"
    RemoteForward 52698
3. In your SSH environment, as root, do:
# wget -O /usr/local/bin/rsub
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rsub
# shutdown -r now
4. Henceforth, you may now access your SSH similar to what would be an alias:
$ ssh yourAlias
5. Restart Sublime, SSH in, and there will be an added advantage of being able to edit files via your local environment's Sublime Text editor.

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